Lifetime Trusts
Although many of the tax advantages of trusts have been neutralised in recent years, trusts remain as an invaluable way of protecting assets and in some cases they retain significant tax advantages.
Trust to record ownership of property
£200 + VAT
If you buy a property with another person you should consider a declaration of trust. It is particularly important when you are not married to each other or are married and have children from another relationship.
Lifetime Discretionary Trust
£350 + VAT
For use by parents or grandparents who want to reduce their estate for tax purposes and/or help a child or grandchildren but to retain control of the assets. This helps protect assets from immature beneficiaries and relationship breakdown.
Lifetime Settlement of Principal Residence
£455 + VAT
If your matter is more complex you might be charged an hourly rate, which we will inform you of. Hourly rates vary based on the experience of the lawyer and range up to £295.