I’ve made my Will - when should I reconsider this?
We’ve all seen the recommendations that we make a Will but once we’ve made it is that all we need to do? Absolutely not! When you make a Will this is designed to deal with your wishes as far it is able to do so taking into account your circumstances at the time the Will was created but obviously it cannot account for all possible scenarios. Therefore it is always good practice to review your Will on a regular basis.
Situations such as a new member born into the family or to friends, the death of one of your beneficiaries, changes to your financial position, changes to your relationship with people named in your Will and changes to taxation can all affect the provisions in your Will and are key triggers to remind you to reconsider the provisions. Consequently, a regular review of your Will is essential and Trevor Price at our Penrith office or Charlotte Birtles at our Appleby office will be happy to meet with you to discuss your Will further should you like.
Also, don’t forget that marriage automatically revokes any Will made previously so you may want to consider a new Will alongside your honeymoon plans!